Details Are Key in the Year of the Snake

Franca Giuliani - On February 10, we have the new moon and the Chinese New Year. Welcome to 2013, the year of the Black Snake!

Depending on your own animal sign, the Year of the Snake will treat you differently. However, in general, it offers steady progress and the need to keep attention to the details. Having discipline and keeping focus this year will help you reach your goals.

Here are a few feng shui comments about this new year period.

  • In the beginning of the year, you may not feel so grounded, because movement is on its way. It’s OK, just work with it.

  • Again, keep your eye on details. Make sure to read all the fine print before signing documents. And keep up with details in your living space.

  • Use the Snake’s sneaky energy to work on your behalf. When necessary, look for loopholes.

  • Wearing the color black more often through the year, can help honor the Snake.

  • If you're doing any construction or renovations around the house, it's best not to start a project in the South East part of your home. If it's must, however, then start work in the North West.
  • Take a look at the center of your home and the center of each of your rooms. Keep them clear, organized, and clutter-free - especially for this year.

  • On the actual day of the New Year, February 10, you may want to wear something red, eat oranges, write down your intentions for the upcoming year, and have fun. So, for your homework this month, I'd like you to enjoy the transition!

Franca Giuliani is an environmental advisor, integrated feng shui consultant, and energy clearer whose inquisitive nature has led her down the path of the metaphysical world and related topics. Now Franca uses her expansive knowledge and experience to help individuals get their bearings and think differently about themselves and their space, enabling them to better plan for the future. 

She collectively uses a number of modalities to help people become aware of their environment, acknowledge it, and then help them begin to reach a better balance. Becoming aware of one’s environment and understanding why things are happening is the foundation to a possible transformation of life.

Franca has studied feng shui, energy clearing, and astrology for over nine years and continues to study under world-renowned instructors. A graduate of the Feng Shui Alliance School formerly in Edgewater, NJ, she holds a BFA from the Fashion Institute of Technology in New York and a certificate from NYU. Additionally, Franca studied in Antwerp, Belgium and graduated from a Feng Shui Society of the United Kingdom accredited program.

Franca practices and teaches courses on relevant topics. She's consulted and lectured within the New York metro area, as well as in Italy. Italy has been Franca’s second home since childhood. She considers herself an Italian aficionado and organizes tours throughout Italy where she can share her knowledge and passion for this amazing country.